A little more about coaching

Coaching these days is becoming a buzz word. You might be wondering what it's all about, and if you're really in need of a coach. Learn more below to see if you're ready for it.


What is coaching?

Coaching can benefit anyone, because at the end of the day no one ever has everything totally figured out.

Coaching isn't therapy or mentorship. I cannot diagnose or prescribe anything, nor will I ever tell you what to do. What I will do, is ask powerful questions and leverage tools that get to the heart of your opportunities for self-growth and improvement. Once your vision and values are identified we will co-create a plan to get you where you desire to be, and hold you accountable to getting there. 

For those who are athletes or sports fans, think about a Life Coach not being dissimilar from a hockey coach. I will provide the framework, expertise, and support to give you what it takes to do the heavy lifting and "leave it all on the ice" with no regrets. 


Is Coaching right for me?

  • Are you feeling like life is good, but could be better?

  • Are you feeling stuck in your daily routine?

  • Are you craving more purpose and meaning in your life?

  • Do you know where you want to go, but aren’t sure how to get there?

  • Do you generally enjoy life, but feel like there’s more waiting for you?

If any of these questions resonate, then working with a Coach is a great call. Coaching will take you from "life is good" to "life is meaningful, exciting, and filled with passion"

Am I ready for Coaching?

Ask yourself the following 5 question:

  1. Are you ready to turn inward and ask yourself the tough questions?

  2. Are you curious to learn more about yourself?

  3. Are you ready to make changes in your life?

  4. Are you prepared to get out of your comfort zone?

  5. Are you prepared to put yourself first and prioritize your happiness?

If you answered yes to these questions, then the time has come to begin your journey and start working with a Coach.